About Ravenhill Group
Our Mandate
While the name has changed, slightly, the vision and focus that has seen our founder D.Bruce Malcolm find success for their clients over the past two decades has only become stronger.
Ravenhill Group Inc. has a simple vision, to continue to bring the same leadership excellence that has been our hallmark in both the municipal and public sectors, as we continue to meet and answer the growing demand for strong and talented leadership across both sectors.
Our Method
We are focused on being Ethical Head Hunters™, and have honed our craft in finding and securing the strongest people for your search needs. We are committed to dealing fairly and honestly with both the client and candidate side of any search process that we engage in on your behalf.
Our methodology sees us creating an authentic process that is centred around direct recruitment of candidates , bringing men and women face to face with opportunities that may otherwise have been missed by great candidates who were not actively looking to make a career change.
Our network sees us with a truly extensive reach into the CAMA, ROMA, SUMA, LGAA , AFP, AUMA spaces and allows us close contact with the key leaders within these sectors across Canada and well beyond, and growing everyday.
Our investment into these groups on an annual basis also sees us reaching those who are the up and comers in sector as well and enhancing our ability to source the right voice for the leadership needs of our clients in a timely and successful manner.
Our Mission
We have focused the last two decades on being known as professionals in our field, standing out from among those who would simply advertise your role, by actually doing search in a manner that will bring you the professionals that will fill that role, and do so with excellence.
Our mission is simple:
- Make connections with exceptional people who have exceptional connections.
- Treat people with the same level of respect and professionalism that you would expect to receive.
- Keep confidence with those who have entrusted you with their goals and their desires.
- Ensure that you don’t waste peoples time just to add names to your clients short list of potentials.
- Respect the value of each relationship you have built along the journey, so you can always knock on that door again.
Our Method, Why, The Result
In our opinion, that’s just the right way to treat people, and we happen to like people a lot. Instead, we consistently make connections with real people; with exceptional people. We make these connections every single day. Sometimes we find them, sometimes they find us.
The end result sees us able to engage in searches and reach out to our very real, very personal connections, who in turn, reach out to their connections, and so forth. A shortlist of not only qualified candidates, but unique candidates. The type of candidates you only find through organic connectivity and mutual respect.

Bruce Malcolm
Bruce’s background includes 30+ years of human resource management experience, covering all aspects of HR administration, with a clear specialty in team building and recruiting. He created and developed the concept of “Ethical Head-Hunting™”.
Bruce began his recruiting career in 1971 with Prudential Assurance. There he recruited, trained and mentored junior executives in marketing, operations, sales and administration.
He followed this with five years in the home furnishing business in Dallas, Texas. There, he led, in everything from manufacturing to supply chain management. After a stint at the Dallas head office of Daystar Industries, he returned to Canada to head up the Executive Recruiting Division of Keith Bagg and Associates.
There he had both generalist and specialist responsibilities in domestic HR management. Bruce has successfully launched and sold several businesses, in the commercial construction, food services and general insurance sectors. He established Ravenhill Group Inc. in 2000.

Matt Noble, CPA, CMA
Matt has 18 years of municipal government experience, 17 years as a City Manager, in Swift Current, SK., Moose Jaw, SK., and Merritt, BC. His other experience includes over 20 years in senior finance. He performed these services as a consultant with private industry, crown corporations and private owned facilities in AB, B.C., NWT and The Turks and Caicos Islands
Matt qualified as a CPA, CMA and completed an executive program at the University of Western Ontario followed by courses in contracts and negotiating at Queens University and other continual professional development elsewhere.

Lesley Prestwich
Educated at St Lawrence College (ECE, 1998). Lesley brings many years of investigative experience to the company and our clients. Lesley and her staff use the tried and true methods she learned while working with Forzani Group and TDL Inc., and as a medical database developer.
She and her staff have been able to perform reference checks utilizing the ‘Ravenhill 360o Referencing™’ tool with an effectiveness that goes well beyond the scope of a typical HR Department..

Michel Savard
Michel has been part of the management team in Red Deer County, Leduc County, Lethbridge County and The City of Grand Prairie among others for over 30 years. Fluent in both of Canada’s official languages Michel’s personality, professional experience, educational background and community involvement have equipped him with the necessary tools to deliver on the strategic goals and objectives set forth by members of council in the municipalities served by Ravenhill Group.He has professional accreditations from APEGA, ASET and SLGM.

Lyndie Sneath
Lyndie manages the evaluation and selection process of municipal management professionals for our clients. She has over 25 years experience in the executive search business, corporate branding, and food service industries. She holds an BA (Hons) Languages degree from University of Toronto.
Her specialized training in the A.S.K. Selection Process™ and education, together with her experience, combine to make Lyndie a valuable team member at Ravenhill Group.

Glen Smith
A senior member of the Ravenhill since 2017, Glen Smith has a cross-Canada career in municipal government. Most recently Glen worked for the Town of Port Perry, where as a Director, he headed up Public Works and was part of the senior management group … a key component of this work included recruiting and selecting skilled people. Glen’s contacts in municipal government reach far and wide.
A talented researcher/recruiter, Glen has over 20 years’ experience in several senior municipal roles, leading successful teams in various disciplines .